About Me

My name is Heidi and I am a 23 year old stay at home momma to my sweet boy Max. I enjoy lots of things, like cooking, baking and crafting. (When I have time of course)
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Max Whitney

Max Whitney
aka happiest baby in the world


loves all things, especially his baby brother Max

Boardman Clan

Boardman Clan
my cute family

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Turkey Thursday

so because it is thursday and thursday starts with a t...
because thanksgiving starts with a t...
because turkey starts with a t....
because tasty starts with a t...
because treat starts with a t....
and because there is "throwback thursday" on instagram 
where you post a picture from some time ago...

i am going to show you how to make a tasty thanksgiving turkey treat that i made some time ago.
and because it was a hit 2 years ago, 
i will be making them again this year. 

i know that i am looking all over pinterest these
days for fall/halloween/thanksgiving ideas
since they are just around the corner 
and because they are some of my favorite holidays. 

everything about fall is just perfect. 
the weather, the leaves, the colors, the clothes
and of course the delicious warm comforting foods. 

so here it is... the oreo turkey!

i used these cute little guys as name placements for our thanksgiving dinner. 
they turned out so cute and everyone loved them!
and they even tasted yummy! 

Oreo Turkey's
-8 candy corn
- 2 double stuffed oreo cookies
-1 whopper
-1 mini reeses peanut butter cup
-1 tube of black piping gel
-1 tub white icing
-yellow and red food coloring
-3 plastic ziplock bags
-sharp knife
-pair of scissors

put your peanut butter cups in the fridge to cool. having hard chocolate is better to work with.

separate your white icing into two different bowls. dye one to your desired color of orange. dye the other one red. (ps. don't forget to keep some white frosting as well.) put all the colors into their own ziplock bags and snip the corner off. keep the hole pretty small.

now on to creating your cute little turkey.
first you will want to create the tail. with one oreo cookie put some white frosting in between the two cookies. just on top of the already double stuffed frosting:) then very gently push 6 candy corns into it. try your hardest not to break the oreo. but if you do...i guess you have to eat that one and try again:) that't too bad. 

next, take your white icing again...and squeeze a generous amount onto the top back of oreo number 2. put your oreo tail feather on top of that and hold for a minute to make it stand up. if it is not standing up, just add some more icing. once it is standing put it up and let it stand up against something so it doesn't fall while the icing is drying. and while your icing is drying move on to making more turkeys!

once your icing is dry and your turkey base feels pretty steady, you can move on to making him a cutie!

take your peanut butter cups out of the fridge, unwrap them and with a knife cut the top off so that it is flat. having the flat surface will make it stick better. 

now with the white icing, stick your reese's peanut butter cup onto your turkey to make the body. next place the whopper on top of the reese's. you will want to use icing on the bottom of the whopper where it connects to the reese's and on the back of the whopper where it will connect to the oreo. 

for the beak... find a candy corn that has a nice white big tip, cut it off and with the white icing stick that baby on! 

the wings...use 2 pieces of candy corn and stick them on the sides. hold them tight for a min to make sure they are stuck on there good. 

use your orange icing for the feet. your red icing for the gobbler. and white and black icing for the eyes! 

you're done! so easy and so cute! everyone will love them at your thanksgiving get together!

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